Via Valle Miano 5
orari: lun-sab 16.00-19.00





Invitation to "Spazio-Tempo", Valle Miano street, Ancona
Postponed Ida Garribba show


The activity of  "Spazio-Tempo" continues in Ancona with the great show of thousand African masks, of 120 bronzes of Benin and with the show of the painter from the city of Pescara Ida Garribba, postponed up to July 13.
The structure is free to visit, for the whole summer period, every day, from Monday to Saturday, from 16.00 to 20.00.
The inventor and coordinator of the cultural initiative,Tiziano Cossignani, assures its knowledges to the visitors on Thursday afternoon.
The next organized show will be devoted to the "Scholar's stones", extraordinary Chinese stones that for the first time will be exposed to Ancona, to the end of July.
The structure, that operates in collaboration with the Museum of Malacology of Cupra Marittima, currently active in an unbelievable show of "Ancient fans with mother-of-pearls", also uses the activity of a naturalistic laboratory of remarkable scientific weight.
Info: 3473704310. 

Spazio-Tempo is in Valle Miano street 5, next to the great parking of the swimming pool and the wood church of Valle Miano.